Sunday, December 31, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEARS! First time here? Make sure to watch the video to the right of this post. The small one right to the right. I'm going to pull myself away from the PC and go out and ring the New Year in. Enjoy my friends performance below:

Here is 8 things you can do below to help me get my wishes!:

Make sure to watch the video that started it all. All funds made from the video below will also be donated to DARC!

10,000 Miles And 8 Wishes - video powered by Metacafe
posted by Caridad @ 6:47 PM   5 comments
Saturday, December 30, 2006
things are coming very fast i can almost not keep up... i made a video at youtube but it is stuck in the processing cue. things are going to take off like a rocket the next few days! just hold on and please be patient. my first wish will be granted on 1/3/07 !!!! I can not announce what it is but I will as soon as I get the green light! you guys are going to love what we are cooking up here. take care.

posted by Caridad @ 10:57 PM   0 comments
Friday, December 29, 2006
We will have some big announcements and a new episode coming in the next few hours, but for now you can watch Seth's Godin's Google video below. I have been reading your feed back and thanks for telling me what is broken on my website. We will be making the updates very soon. Seth video is very appropriate for the things we need to fix around here. I know its hard to navigate my site and it should all work better by tomorrow. Hope you all have a good weekend!

Another cool site that has to do with this video:
posted by Caridad @ 4:24 PM   2 comments
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Make your 8 wishes for next year and Submit them here!
Be funny, serious, boring, passionate. I just want to see your wishes.
We will post some of the videos here at 8wishes too!

Thank You to our first 3 Video Responses:

posted by Kristen @ 8:38 PM   147 comments
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
8 Wishes Episodes

Episode 9: Message to my Blog

Episode 8: Incredible guy plays jingle bells on his guitar

Episode 7: Patagonia

Episode 6: Nate, Family, Cell Phone

Episode 5:, digg and the broken down cars

Episode 4: YouTube Got Me on Fox News

Episode 3: Phone Calls

Episode 2: PUSHING THE "WEDGE" FOX NEWS new site

Episode 1: Day 1 DIGG AND 99.9 (8 wishes in 30 days)

posted by Kristen @ 8:02 PM   6 comments
guys i might lose power here at new location tooo....oh video before power goes out...

vote for me here:

k got it up...i lost power at my place and now i'm at a new location and it looks like we are going to lose power here no no! :(.....

if anybody is near by me leave me a message at 805 456 2130 i might need a emergancy place to do work if the lights go out here too.

posted by Caridad @ 6:15 PM   8 comments
LINK to 8 wishes and we will link to you:
posted by Caridad @ 4:14 AM   7 comments
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Thank you to Mack Collier for adding us to his z-list meme! I've added 10 more to the list:

Successful Blog

Will Video for Food
Caffeine Marketing
All My Causes
Widgets Lab
No Mans Blog
Viral Garden
Social Media Optimization
SEO Black Hat
Creative Think
Movie Marketing Madness
Blog Till You Drop!
Get Shouty!
One Reader at a Time
Critical Fluff
The New PR
Own Your Brand!
Work, in Plain English
Buzz Canuck
New Millenium PR
Pardon My French
Troy Worman's Blog
The Instigator Blog
Diva Marketing
Marketing Hipster
The Marketing Minute
Funny Business
The Frager Factor
Open The Dialogue
Word Sell
Note to CMO:
That's Great Marketing!
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Pow! Right Between The Eyes! Andy Nulman’s Blog About Surprise
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Two Hat Marketing

The Engaging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew's Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
Conversation Agent
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett's Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly
Jeremy Latham’s Blog
SMogger Social Media Blog

From Mack: Ok if you are new to the game here's the deal: Simply cut and paste the ENTIRE list above to a post on your blog. That's it. You'll get a ton of happy bloggers suddenly coming to YOUR blog to thank you, you'll get a ton of great new blogs to read, you'll likely get a ton of links yourself, but most of all, you'll feel good about making a whole lot of other bloggers feel good about themselves.

posted by Kristen @ 9:28 PM   8 comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
Thanks Seth Godin! Check out the link on Seth Godin's Blog. Its a honor to be mentioned by Seth because he has one of the top marketing blogs on the net!

Message to Seth Godin below:

I was planning on leaving William's jingle bells post on for a few days but this is such an honor for me to be mentioned by Seth Godin that I had to make a post.

I hope you are all doing well.

posted by Caridad @ 10:44 AM   5 comments
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Welcome to the 8 Wishes Show! I'm trying to get 8 wishes granted in thirty days. Its all for a good cause.

Incredible African American video below:


Nate, Family, Cell phone, digg and the broken down cars
Fox News long version

phone calls

Day 1 DIGG AND 99.9 (8 wishes in 30 days)


posted by Caridad @ 7:25 AM   6 comments


Incredible African AMerican plays jingle bells on his guitar
Nate, Family, Cell phone, digg and the broken down cars
Fox News long version

phone calls

Day 1 DIGG AND 99.9 (8 wishes in 30 days)

Chipper Bro:
Great Story about Chipper


posted by Caridad @ 7:21 AM   2 comments
Nate, Family, Cell phone


Incredible African AMerican plays jingle bells on his guitar
Patagonia, digg and the broken down cars
Fox News long version

phone calls

Day 1 DIGG AND 99.9 (8 wishes in 30 days)


posted by Caridad @ 6:41 AM   3 comments
we just created some MAGIC! I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!!

posted by Caridad @ 2:32 AM   2 comments
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Nate has caught us up with the episodes! We should get 3 more out in the next 20 hours or so. This episode is when I met Shaun our web designer. Shaun has dyslexia himself.

Here are more episodes (remember these are pre Nate so they will get better):
Phone Calls Episode 1
Updates Episode 2
Digg and 99.9 Episode 3
Fox Interview

Here is Shaun's websites:
Nerd Help

My Myspace
posted by Caridad @ 2:46 PM   3 comments
Friday, December 22, 2006
going to shoot some crazy footage! stay tuned!!! :)
posted by Caridad @ 1:18 PM   1 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Get Divx Pro software for FREE ($19.99 value) just for posting this 8 wishes video link. Simply email the URL of your blog posting to: Windows, or Mac and you will receive a free copy of DivX Pro software shortly thereafter.”

For each view this video gets Divx will donate a penny to 8 wishes!
Watch it here and a penny will be donated to 8 wishes!
posted by Caridad @ 2:48 PM   4 comments
Ok today Nate is here and working on our footage. Also with Nate's magic touch on the episodes you will notice a huge difference in production. This will give me time to do what I do best, which is marketing. We have two posts coming and a few other things that we will be doing that should get us more views then the two digg links and the Fox News interview. For now enjoy the live feed and watch us unleash what the power of the Internet (that monitor you see in the live feed is a free monitor I picked up)!

removed live feed because it's in the post above :)

Also check out were the donations are coming from:

See a live updated version of this map below:
posted by Caridad @ 12:39 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
This is awesome-- watch our video here and DivX will donate a penny for every view (you do have to download the software, but it takes less than a minute)!!!

PLEASE send this link to everyone you know. Pennies add up quicker than you think, and this could be a big donation for us.

Speaking of donations, check out this sweet map that ChipIn created to show where our donations are coming from. I think we expected a little more from the West Coast, but it's still early...
posted by Kristen @ 6:55 PM   1 comments
I'm making a DVD today for Paul Orfela and it is going to be delivered to him this week! Remember he is the 4th wish!

I will be heading up to meet Nate in San Jose today! I'm glad we're meeting there because I have a lot of family in the area, and I really want to see my cousin Serina because she just went through a tough experience, and one that no mom should have to go through. I'm also going to try to see some other family, and I will make sure to post some video of our visit-- I can't believe I'm actually going to be able to make time for family! Since I've only been sleeping for a few hours a day, I didn't think it would be possible to see them during these 30 days.

Here is an episode of behind-the-scenes with Fox News (long version). From now on, I will have a long version and a short version of the daily updates, but right now I only have time to edit and post the long version:

In the next couple days, we'll have a lot more annouments to make, too!

If you missed them:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
posted by Caridad @ 11:49 AM   3 comments
Monday, December 18, 2006
Don't have much time to write, but I want to thank Liz for her nice post on The Successful Blog. We now have the offical 'successful and outstanding' seal of approval.

Also, Nate (from SpinningSouthward) will be coming up on Wednesday to shoot footage and edit video. I hope this will free me up to post and get you updates on what's going on this week. We'll definitely have more to share tomorrow...
posted by Kristen @ 8:41 PM   4 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006
As a dyslexic, writing is not my favorite, so I have to put together messages that are visual. We have a ton of great footage but can't edit it because we don't have enough room on the hard drive! We don't want to erase any of the footage either, so Chase Kidd bought us a new hard drive! Thanks Chase! We are installing that right now.

  • It looks like we will be on our first show on Thursday! We can get bumped so don't get too excited. Also, our first wish should be getting answered by mid week. Stay tuned for more.
  • My furniture did not sell on craigslist, but Nick Drummond let me borrow money to pay rent! Thanks Nick
  • Nate might be joining our team and I will hear back from him later tonight! Nate would be filming and editing the 8 Wishes show.
  • We will be laying out a new look for the blog and we want to know what you think of it. The main changes will be in the way we post. (Check out my new myspace layout by Siberus)
  • We're featured on Chipin! Remember, that's how you donate to D.A.R.C.
  • Ceasar, one of the children I met with will be hanging with us once in a while, too. We might end up putting him to work. No Ceasar, I'm kidding, but we won't say no if you want to help out.
Our next initiative (we need help getting it off the ground):

We would love to work with Webex to stream our live interviews from my apartment. Our idea is to never have to leave the computer because that's how we stay connected around the clock. I want to be blogging during the live interview, so people can see how we're using social media to accomplish 'the impossible' (as many have called our wishes). If you know anybody at Webex please have them give us a call.

Truth is, we were definitely not expecting to get national coverage so fast. In fact, we thought it wouldn't happen until next week. When Fox News hit we got overlaoded and blind sided. So I only slept a few hours a day, if any, but it was great. It was a lot of fun getting all the email from it.

My whole job on the team is to respond to emails and phone calls. So please feel free to call or email us. Steve will be filtering spam and then give me the real stuff. I would rather respond by phone so please leave your number when you email me.

A little video tribute to some of the people that are making this all possible.

Ok, I need to try to catch a couple hours of sleep since I pulled another all nighter. I'll be posting another epidose after I get a little rest. In the meantime, here are our first 2 episodes, and check out The World By Road to learn about our next adventure...
posted by Caridad @ 6:56 PM   2 comments
Friday, December 15, 2006

I am happy to announce that Kristen will be helping us with our PR needs. She's very passionate about making a difference and I am glad to have her helping us out. You can find out more about her at her blog All My Causes

DivX is also offering thier services. Starting Monday they will be providing us with free banwidth and highdef video streams. DivX is a digital media format that puts the tools of digital expression directly into the hands of the people.

DivX will allow us to post our videos more consistantly and with better picture quality.

Until then we hope you enjoy are next vid post coming shortly.
posted by Caridad @ 9:16 PM   1 comments
so much has happend in the last 12 hours. i will be posting soooon. its 3:31am and i have to hit the sack. i have been only getting around 3 hours of sleep a day. i can't wait to tell you guys what is going on. i can show you new myspace is beyond what i could of dreamed of! look at it and thanks to Sirberus for doing such an awesome job. Shaun got both sites up in two days. i don't even know how he did it. he just went to bed a few mintues ago. Shaun is a very busy man too so please give him a thanks if you have time. i fell behind in the episodes. this won't happen again because i believe we are bring on a new full time editor. chase will still be with us but he has two jobs so a full time person will have more freedom to work on the episodes. talk to you soon

my myspace

time to go to bed. the wishes will happen. tell everybody you can about 8 wishes.

posted by Caridad @ 3:30 AM   1 comments
Thursday, December 14, 2006
if i happen to make it to digg i just want to say welcome diggers. thanks for getting me on the fox news show! the digg effect! I have almost been up 24 hours so i'm going to finish the next episode of 8 wishes in a few hours. i have to go take a power nap. there is some episodes down below of the progress of 8 wishes so check them out. new episode coming...your going to like it trust me....lots of good stuff..

i had to shut down the live feed.

Click on Picture below to see the fox interview:
posted by Caridad @ 6:46 AM   3 comments
Have not slept because I'm trying to finish the episode about the FOX interview. Chase helped me until 4:00am but he has to work today so i will be editing it. I'm not as good as chase but he did most of the work so I should'nt miss it up that bad. For now you can watch the live feed. Thanks for all your support! WE GOT THIS please help me keep it hot. Call everybody you know and tell them to go to tell them the story!

Broadcast Yourself LIVE
posted by Caridad @ 5:18 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Click on Picture below to see the fox interview:

We have a good episode coming soon. The satilite feed went out at the end so I could not hear the last question. I just want to thank Shepard Smith for having me on! Sorry about not being able to hear you on the last question.

posted by Caridad @ 10:55 PM   2 comments
Hey everyone here is the post for Tue. 12/12/06. This will bring you up to date and what's planned for Wed. 12/13/06 (Fox Report with Shepard Smith @ 12:45pm pacific coast). Just in case the video's not clear, we call it the car shuffle. My car (a.k.a wedge) broke down a couple weeks ago and to avoid a ticket we move it from side to side until we can get it fixed.
Your emails, comments and support for the donations are great!

I also did an interview at Bike Tourist Podcast.

I am in the process of fixing some errors on my blog too. How do you like the new site design?

WOW it is 4:24 AM as I write this. Need to get some sleep so I can string some sentences together for tomorrow. Hey, you know whats really cool? FOX is sending a car to come get us for the interview. If they didn't send the car we would have had to jump on bicycle and ride 55 miles to the Fox station. Check out the video Chase cut tonight, he really knows how to make me laugh...

I have been getting alot of emails asking how to donate. Please make donations using the "ChipIn" button to the right. Every amount helps. Thanks for tunning in to the 8 Wishes Channel!

Here is the new update video:

Please visit
they donated the new website!

Also if you're a blogger and you want to do an interview email me at
I don't care if you only have 5 people following your blog or podcast. Email me. I don't bite unless no... I don't bite! Make the subject "MEDIA".


Enter your email address and I will send you an email when I do an update:

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posted by Caridad @ 4:41 AM   4 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
1st day Front Page of Digg and interview on 99.9

posted by Caridad @ 10:35 PM   10 comments
The 10,000 miles and 8 Wishes video is below!

Please rate and comment on this video at youtube:

We will upload video clips of our progress of our 8 Wishes in 30 days daily. Click here to see more details of the 8 Wishes.

Enter your email address to get updates:

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posted by Caridad @ 4:24 AM   3 comments
Sunday, December 10, 2006
If you email me please leave your phone number for me to call you back. I would rather respond by phone. Talk to you soon.

email me:
phone number:


posted by Caridad @ 2:58 PM   4 comments
Ask a question and get an answer back. You can check to see if the question was answered already. If not I will try to answer it. I look forward to your questions. I will also try to post video responses here.

I only got 3 hours sleep so I hope I can write:

t 4:57 PM, Anonymous said…

Here's a question,
How can we help if we can't donate money?


At 12:28 PM, Feras said…

I support everything that you are doing and think that this is simply amazing. Im a highschool student and I want to get involved. Is there anyway I can help? I have already spread the word about the video to all my friends.


posted by Caridad @ 2:57 PM   8 comments
The Ride
After getting the much needed help (twelve years later) at Santa Barbara City College, I decided to do this ride to make sure kids would not have to struggle like I did. So with $750 in my pocket, my gear, my bike and a letter of support from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger The Governor's letter wasI started my trek. The letter helped me raise crucial support during my journey. I was able to procure lodging and meals by showing the letter and explaining my cause. It took me 7 months to ride a little over 10,000 miles, which took me through 34 different states. As I rode around the perimeter of the United States, I met with thirteen different kids with learning disabilities. After three days trying to get on the Today Show in New York, I finally got on. There was such a huge fan base on the spot they aired I was able to acquire enough funds to support my cause for the last leg of the trip (half way point). After the spot the donations totaled about $850 which was more than what I started with and much needed. I was ready to give up but was rejuvenated when the pledges started rolling in Thanks to “The Today Show”. I met Katie Couric who basically got me on the show. Matt Lauer helped video my interview with Al Roker, and Ann Curry was also very helpful. I started with this project because I suffer with dyslexia and want to help as many kids with learning disabilities as possible.


posted by Caridad @ 2:56 PM   7 comments
Welcome to 8 Wishes

…a project raising awareness and funds for children with dyslexia and learning differences.

By Paul Sanchez

In 2004, I set out on a 10,000 mile bike ride around the perimeter of the United States to make a difference in the lives of children with dyslexia and learning differences. During my trip, I met 13 children around the country who are chasing their dreams despite their learning differences, and I want every child to have the same opportunity. I have suffered from dyslexia and ADD my entire life, and it held me back for too many years.

Now, with the ride and these children as my impetus, I made 8 Wishes to raise awareness and funds trough social media and the internet, as a prologue to my documentary, Solo Ride. Each wish serves a specific purpose toward creating this documentary and reaching my goal of giving hope and support to these children.

My 8 Wishes:

1) Raise $1 million dollars. All proceeds will be donated to the Dyslexia Awareness Resource Center (DARC) and the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA).

2) 100 million views of the 10,000 Miles and 8 Wishes video. Generate the greatest amount of visibility with minimal funding.

3) Be interviewed by Oprah. She has the power and the audience to make a real difference.

4) Interview Paul Orfelea, founder of Kinkos with dyslexia (GRANTED)

5) Interview Sir. Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin with dyslexia

6) Interview Charles Schwab, who also has dyslexia

7) Be on 88 blogs and websites. Together, we can prove the power of the internet and social media.

8) All in 88 days! I want to keep this fun and exciting, while creating a sense of urgency surrounding this issue.

In the spirit of this project and the internet, you will see us make changes quickly and move with the response of our readers. Our greatest advantage is our ability to be flexible and nimble. Aside from our mission, nothing is set in stone. If at times we appear unorganized or directionless, it’s because I’m letting you determine our direction— I want to create a fundraiser that’s fun for our supporters. Our promise is to always be transparent and keep our supporters engaged in granting my 8 Wishes.

About Paul Sanchez

Paul Sanchez, age 30, has suffered from dyslexia and ADD his entire life. In second grade, he tested positively for a learning disability but results were not strong enough to be placed in a special learning faciltity. Therefore, he was put in a regular schooling, where he “suffered through nearly 18 years at California public schools.

After attending numerous city colleges, Paul finally tested positive for dyslexia and ADD at Santa Barbara City College. Under a program that provided much needed assistance, Paul was able to earn his Associates Degree from the College in 2004 at age 28.

Following graduation, he set out on his mission to create a documentary about dyslexia and learning differences and the struggles of children around the country. From July 7, 2004 to February 2, 2005, Paul completed a 10,000 mile bike ride around the perimeter of the country. During this trip, he met 13 children with dyslexia or learning differences in 13 different major cities. He is now living in Santa Barbara, CA working to promote and raise funding for his documentary, Soloride, through the 8 Wishes initiative.


posted by Caridad @ 2:53 PM   53 comments
We would love to see your 8 wishes video. Submit them and we will post our favorites. Try to be as creative as possible. Let us know when one or all wishes have been granted or completed. They could be personal wishes, to help an individual, to help others, or for a cause of some sort. Please be respectful and tasteful in content when making submissions. SUBMIT TO THE LINK BELOW:



posted by Caridad @ 2:50 PM   6 comments
8 Wishes

1) Raise $1 million dollars
I want to raise $1 million dollars for children with learning disabilities and dyslexia. $10,000 scholarships will go to 100 kids to use at a college of their choice. $3000 will go towards testing if they choose or they could use the whole amount at the college of their choice.  

2) 100 million views
I want to get 100 million views of my 10,000 mile video! This should be a big enough crowd to reach our goal of raising 1 million dollars for kids with learning differences. Also, more people will know about SoloRide and hopefully sell at least 1% of those views, or 1,000,000 will buy the documentary.

3) Be interviewed by Oprah
Through the power of media, Oprah Winfrey has created an unparalleled connection with people around the world. The Oprah Winfrey Show has entertained, enlightened and uplifted millions of viewers for the past two decades. Her accomplishments as a television pioneer, producer, magazine founder, educator and philanthropist have established her as one of the most respected and admired public figures today. With her captive audience I could further accomplish my goals to help children with learning differences. Our dream would be to have one show dedicated to raising awareness of dyslexia and what these children can accomplish. Imagine a show that includes Paul Orfelea, Richard Branson, Charles Schawb, and the 13 children.

4) Interview Paul Orfelea (GRANTED!!!)
Because he is a “hyperactive dyslexic."  Ofrelea has a freethinking and creative style, he was able to start and build a very successful company, Kinko's, that was based on providing college students with products and services they need at a competitive price.

5) Interview Sir. Richard Branson
Because of his “rebel” entrepreneur approach to his very flourishing company Virgin. He, like myself has dyslexia and with his fluid management style was able to build an empire of multiple products and services.

6) Interview Charles Schwab
Schwab is well respected around the world because he started Charles Schwab & Corporation and has a brilliant finance mind. He also struggles with dyslexia and is an advocate of learning differences.

7) 88 websites
This project is also meant to leverage and prove the power of social media and the internet. We believe that a viral and networking approach will be the surest way to create awareness of our cause.

8) All in 88 days (DEADLINE 3/08/07)
The extended deadline (previously 30 days) still keeps the challenge exciting and stress the importance and urgency of learning differences, but gives us the time we need to achieve more of our goals.


posted by Caridad @ 1:05 PM   183 comments

Fund Allocation

100% of the proceeds from 8 Wishes will go to Dyslexia Awareness Resource Center (D.A.R.C). The funds from SoloRide the documentary will be split 50-50 between DARC and the Learning Disability Association of America (LDA).

Over a 5-year period of time, DARC will award $10,000 scholarships to 100 kids across the United States. Should less than $1Million be achieved, fewer kids will be chosen. $3000 will go towards testing or college funding, as chosen by individual winners. The remaining $7000 will go towards college funding and educational needs.

The application process will not open until the goal of $1 million dollars has been achieved or the program closes. (no later than January 1, 2008). At that time, links to the appropriate documents for application will be available at this site. Nominations for applicants will be accepted for a limited time. Applications will be reviewed. Finalists will be selected. Selections will be made based on need, interviews, and recommendations. No candidate information will be considered before the process opens or without a formal application.

For more information about the resource allocation of LDA, please visit


posted by Caridad @ 1:03 PM   12 comments
Desperate measures for desperate times! Selling furniture to make rent:

I have to sell my stuff because Im running out of money. I thought the project would be done a month ago. Rent was due last week and I don't have enough to cover it. You can help me out and get some great stuff. Check out the video.
posted by Caridad @ 11:30 AM   4 comments
Saturday, December 09, 2006
testing blogger beta
posted by Caridad @ 9:22 AM   3 comments
Friday, December 08, 2006
posted by Caridad @ 12:02 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
posted by Caridad @ 4:44 PM   1 comments
Friday, December 01, 2006
About Paul Sanchez

Paul Sanchez, age 30, has suffered from dyslexia and ADD his entire life. In second grade, he tested positively for a learning disability but results were not strong enough to be placed in a special learning faciltity. Therefore, he was put in a regular schooling, where he “suffered through nearly 18 years at California public schools.

After attending numerous city colleges, Paul finally tested positive for dyslexia and ADD at Santa Barbara City College. Under a program that provided much needed assistance, Paul was able to earn his Associates Degree from the College in 2004 at age 28.

Following graduation, he set out on his mission to create a documentary about dyslexia and learning differences and the struggles of children around the country. From July 7, 2004 to February 2, 2005, Paul completed a 10,000 mile bike ride around the perimeter of the country. During this trip, he met 13 children with dyslexia or learning differences in 13 different major cities. He is now living in Santa Barbara, CA working to promote and raise funding for his documentary, Soloride, through the 8 Wishes initiative.

The Team
Steve Noh, Paul's right hand man
Chase Kidd, we'll call him the creative inspiration
Kristen Forbriger, PR and editor
Shaun Sanders, Design, Marketing, Creative Director, Guru King Nerd of the Universe
Nate Ajello, Partner and fellow 10,000-miler
posted by Kristen @ 8:10 PM   20 comments
Welcome to 8 wishes!

The Video That Started It All:

Please rate and comment on this video at youtube:


Donate Below!
Even the Smallest Donations Add Up!

Where Does the Money Go?
Learn about the 501c3 Charities

More About My 8 Wishes...
Learn how and why I've made these wishes

Submit YOUR 8 wishes below:
Send your 8 wishes to me!

About us
Meet Paul and the 8 Wishes team

More Info on Solo Ride...
Learn about the film behind 8 Wishes

Contact Me!

Call me 805.456.2130
Contact me HERE


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