$8.88 Campaign for 8 Wishes
Thanks to Doug Karr at On Influence and Automation for his great idea, the $8.88 Campaign. I'm so excited about this idea that I asked Doug to be on the 8 Wishes team. He accepted. With Doug's extensive background in marketing, I think that he is going to be a great asset to 8 Wishes. He even serves on the Marketing Advisory Board for the member of the Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts. It's great to have Doug on the team for the last 23 days (Thank you, Reasonable Minds for that great post!).
Also, a great thing for bloggers to remember: If you link to my Divx video, you will get a free Divx software worth $19.99. So think of it this way: You get to give to a good cause and by giving $8.88 you get a $19.99 piece of awesome software in return.
Giant Bicycles just linked to me! Click to see the link.
Once you give, be sure to put a badge on your site!
Also so I had a video I was going to post but I ran into some problems on my laptop. I'm going to try my best to post the video tonight.
I'm in Pittsburg right now for the LDA conferance and I will be going to New York City to drum up some media.
If you have any ideas on how to get the word out about 8 wishes shoot me an email.
Paul |
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